I love this time of the year! The air is crisp, leaves are starting to change colours, people seem happier and everything just gets cozier. At Little Lambs we will be busy this week exploring how our environment is changing. We will be crafting with natural materials we've collected on our adventures. These crafts will be delivered in an "invitation to create" curriculum format. Children will have the opportunity to create using their own imaginations . They will discover textures, colours, new words and more. We will also be busy singing some of our favourite songs. Music is a fantastic way to encourage speech and language development. Some of our favourite songs this time of the year are: While we follow a child let curriculum that doesn't mean that the children are left to do whatever they want. We will be building on the children's interests by creating activities and co-learning with the children. The actives we love this time of the year are: -forest walks -library visits -park outings -sensory bins (lots of great smells and textures to add this time of the year: cinnamon, pine needles, pumpkin spice, straw, leaves, bark, etc) -simple outside free play -painting -taking pictures -making music -watching the clouds -playing dress up Eating Is also very important. Here is a menu from my home this week. Our other providers create their own menus weekly. Let's just say, "children are fed well at Little Lambs homes". ![]() thank you for stopping by, Have a great week!
![]() Thank you for stopping by our blog page. Sit back, enjoy a cup of coffee or whatever you fancy and peruse our content. If you're a parent or a child care provider I hope you find knowledge in our content and inspiration to try something new. As for me, my days may be busy but they are full. Full of smiles, hugs, laughs and typing….oh so much typing. Being an administrator of a licensed child care agency while also running a home child care business and did I mention going back to school…again... is not for the weak. It's a balancing act for sure but for me it's wonderful. I like to think I have ADHD mastered. This inability to sit still in one place, thinking of only one thought at a time is not for me. While I keep all the boring stuff organized I have an amazing team of women who make me successful. Let me tell you a little about them. ![]() This ship would not stay afloat if it weren't for our RECE Home Visitor, Kim Rodger. Kim is a constant source of encouragement. She is ready and willing to go wherever I ask her, driving all over Hastings County to visit providers. Smiles are something she shares without hesitation and she brings a sense of calm with her wherever she goes (even when she seems frazzled lol). While her position is a ministry requirement the knowledge she shares is not. Many providers have commented how much they appreciate their monthly visits with Kim and how she treats them with respect while encouraging them to be their best. She also has the most adorable daughter whom I love to spend time with. Definitely a keeper and an asset to Little Lambs. ![]() Little Lambs would be nothing at all if we didn't have dedicated home child care providers willing to partner with us. Some have been providing child care for more than 18 years and some have recently opened their homes. Whatever their level of experience they pour their hearts and souls into their "jobs". As an agency one of the ways I support these women is by organizing professional development opportunities. In June we partnered with Loyalist College for a full day of training. The topic for the day was "emergent curriculum and how to implement it's concepts in the home child care environment". However this day was so much more than "training". The women shared stories, tears and encouragement for each other (and me…not expected but very honoured). What I started by licensing as an agency has been made exponentially better by what these women bring. There is a true sense of community between the ladies. They often meet up with their daycare children for park visits. They share ideas and whatever's on a private facebook page. They have each other and that makes a whole world of difference. While as rewarding, fun, and all sorts of other adjectives that this job assimilates with it is also isolating. These ladies don't have co-workers to take over if they need a break or someone always there to chat with while working. The ability for them to create relationships with each other is lovely. This was an unexpected joy that came from licensing. I cannot forget about our families. Big ones, small ones, silly ones and conservative ones. Families come in all shapes and sizes to which there is no mould or "norm". We love them and I'd like to think they love us. Day in and day out they place their most precious family members in our care. Their children become one of our own and add their own special wonder to our programs. Little Lambs started as my Private home child care business with only 5 child care spaces available each day. Now as an agency with many providers under our umbrella of care we offer 80+ child care spaces every day. Some even on weekends! ![]() I have so many hopes for Little Lambs as we continue to grow and adapt to meet the needs of Hastings County. September marks the start of a new school year. For me it has always been the symbol of a fresh start, new goals, new opportunities and FALL (my favourite season). While the world around us changes from Lucious green to gorgeous hues of sunsets I can't help but contemplate these goals. They are simple really:
If you've made it this far (which I hope most have) I thank you. I am truly honoured to of been allowed into your lives. Whether as an agency owner, child care provider or friend I am always here. kind regards, Kristina Schwartz |
Early Years at Home When we refer to home we refer to a feeling of welcome, family, comfort and belonging. Licensed home child care offers the feeling of "home" with the benefits of early years pedagogy. Categories
June 2023
©Little Lambs Home Daycare
©Kristina Schwartz |