Business is Business as the old saying goes. However when your business is founded, established for and made up of families the lines of "business" get a little blurry.
As child care agencies Little Lambs and Family Space are not in competition as many would assume. We are both organizations striving to create accountable, affordable and regulated child care for the families in our community. We also feel that providers should feel valued, have job quality and feel confident in their agency. Choice is a good thing. Providers now have more options when it comes to choosing a licensed child care agency to partner with. While Little Lambs and Family Space are similar our approaches and models differ. This is an asset to potential and current providers. Choice however doesn't mean that it is okay for a switch to be made without valid reasoning. Family Space and Little Lambs agree that our goal is to grow our child care sector. To increase the number of regulated child care providers. It is not our goal to have providers switch from one agency to another. With that being said Little Lambs has created the following policy for any provider who is currently licensed through another agency. If you are that provider who is unhappy in their current agency relationship, or like the models that Little Lambs has to offer please read this policy carefully. The lines of business are blurred on this one. Families matter and changing agencies should not be taken lightly. |
Early Years at Home When we refer to home we refer to a feeling of welcome, family, comfort and belonging. Licensed home child care offers the feeling of "home" with the benefits of early years pedagogy. Categories
June 2023
©Little Lambs Home Daycare
©Kristina Schwartz |